United village


Thank you for your interest and partnership in supporting the work of United Village and Peace Camp International!



Peace Camp International T-shirts, Sweatshirts, and Hoodies! We also have different color/design apparel from previous years.

Available until supply last


Mug Cups

Get your favorite design mug this holiday

11oz Mug Cups with 3 designs


Greeting Cards

Pick your favorite designs and make your own beautiful set of note cards & envelopes.

All are designed by our founder, Gretchen Rowe.

4.5 ” x 5″ or 5″ x7″ blank cards
come with an envelope
Buy one or bulk to make your own set!

Humanitarian support for families and children

United Village has been a long time vision of Gretchen Rowe, parent, Seattle Public School Teacher, and member of Interfaith Community Sanctuary in Seattle, Washington.

Today, United Village has supported and/or funded partnerships between Interfaith Community Sanctuary, Maher, and Uganda Martyrs Orphan Project; Peace Camp International Uganda, scholarships for Peace Camp International Seattle, school tuition for students in Uganda (elementary, secondary, and post high school); funded 4 water cisterns on the campus of Great Aubrey Memorial College, funded an interfaith prayer/contemplation sanctuary, funding cultural music and dance program, and much more.